Applicant's Corner

Applicants are highly encouraged to go through this section to ensure their application is completed correctly with accurate information.

Welcome to the CNMI Scholarship Office's Applicant's Corner where you may find useful information about our e-Application and what to expect regarding your application through its process from the Scholarship Office.  

Due to the extremely high volume of applicants, and our limited staff - it is our hope that our Applicant's Corner will help facilitate the application process and prevent a high number of errors on applications.  Errors will result in delays and/or denials.

  What I MUST know before I start the e-Application?

All information gathered on the e-Application is crucial and helps our program streamline operations, funding priorities, and the efficacy of processing the awards.  All decisions made in regard to the types of scholarships, and amounts available are data-driven and heavily contingent upon the availability of funds; hence, please answer as accurately as possible.


1. Select the correct Type of Program. This is crucial for each program has different criteria, hence a different list of supporting documents for your completed PACKET. Please click on the following link Type of Programs and identify the right program that fits your needs.

2. In addition to the Type of Program, an Application Category entails a different list of supporting documents for your completed PACKET, please select one of the following that applies:

NEW Applicant - Applicant has never received funding from the CNMI Scholarship Office or moved to a different program (e.g.:  moving from EAP Base Grant or GSSL or from CCAG to EAP Base Grant).
ONGOING Applicant - Applicant has received financial assistance during Academic Year 2023-24.
RETURNING Applicant - Applicant who has NOT received financial assistance during the Academic Year 2023-24

3. Statutory requirements of an applicant:

How do I complete the e-Application?

PART A. STUDENT Personal Information

Create a Student Profile through the CSO Portal

PART B. PARENTS' Information

Minors are required to fill this section.  Applicants below 24 who are still dependents of their parents are encouraged to complete this section.





PART D. Authorization (only for picking-up checks from the office)

This section is only to authorize any individual to pick up checks from our office on behalf of the recipient.  The authorized representative must provide valid government-issued identification when receiving the check on behalf of the recipient.


This authorizes CSO to release the following applicant or recipient information:

The release of information is for the sole purpose of employment, job placement, or financial assistance opportunities and CSO agrees not to share any personal or private information outside of what is allowable by applicable laws.  The information will also be used in reporting to the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Presiding Officers of the Legislature.


By clicking the Finalize button below, I certify that all information provided above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If requested by an authorized official, I agree to provide proof of information stated on this form. I understand that failure to complete this form, provide the documents requested, or falsify any information provided, I will not receive financial assistance. I also authorize the CSO to request and or obtain necessary information from other agencies related to my financial aid application.

WARNING! Finalized Applications cannot be edited by the student.

How do I know if I successfully completed the application?

The last column should say "Finalized"... see the clip below.

What happens after I click on "Finalize"?  Your application will be submitted.

You will receive a notification from us saying "Please note that your scholarship application for NAME OF INSTITUTION submitted on DATE SUBMITTED & TIME SUBMITTED has been updated to the status, Application Accepted".  Each time there is progress in your application, your status will change. 


What are the types of Application Statuses? 

Please pay close attention to what each status means to prevent confusion, they are as follows:

Application Accepted

After you click on the "Finalize" button, CSO will be notified that you have successfully submitted an application and we will have access to it to process. 

Pending Review

CSO has received all your required documents to evaluate your eligibility for the program you have checked off.  Normally (aside from Sept 15-30) all application PACKET completed this week will be reviewed by the following week anywhere from Monday - Wednesday).  Please click here for a complete list of supporting documents for your PACKET.


Your review was completed and you were found eligible for the aid you are applying for.  A collective check request of all applications approved on that week (i.e., Batch 1) will be processed on the same request.  This is normally submitted on Fridays and dropped to the Department of Finance for processing.


Your review was completed and you were found ineligible for the aid you are applying for or you did not submit all required supporting documents for your completed PACKET by established deadlines (i.e., your official transcript was not submitted).  Your CSO Portal status will be changed to denied and a formal denial letter will be forthcoming via e-mail detailing your appeal rights should you not agree with the Administrator's decision.  You have 15 calendar days to submit an appeal to the Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

In the event you appeal, CSO staff will no longer be permitted to discuss/communicate with you regarding your current application and its status.  You will have to work directly with the Board of Directors or their assigned secretary; as advised by our legal counsel.

Award Being Processed

CSO has submitted our check request (off-island and online applicants) or request for a wire transfer of funds (Northern Marianas College and the University of Guam applicants) to the Secretary of the CNMI Department of Finance.  CSO does not have control hereon and we await their processing time and disbursement.

Once your application is approved you will need to download and print the updated Memorandum of Agreement (Promissory Note) for AY 2024-2025 from CSO Forms.  Your next step will be to have it signed, notarized, and submitted upon receiving your award. 

Award Ready 

Off-island & online applicants:  CSO will pick up the checks and immediately begin processing.  Processing involves making copies of the checks, imputing check information into our system, generating mail merge Check Acknowledgement Letters (signed by students/ authorized representatives upon picking up on checks), the Administrator signing all letters, verifying if applicants have submitted their memorandum of agreement, and schedule a time for to begin disbursement ensuring all the above tasks are done.  Staff will not release any checks if we do not have an MOA on file for the current academic year - no exception.

Northern Marianas College & University of Guam applicants:  CSO has received confirmation from the CNMI Treasurer that the wire transfer has been completed.  CSO then forwards a confirmation to your institution.  Keep in mind that your scholarship will pay for your student account first but you will be reimbursed (on your institution's time) with the remainder after your tuition and dues are paid.  All students must communicate with your institution's finance office regarding their schedule of disbursement which CSO has no control over. This process enables you to receive a 1098-T form at the end of the calendar year from your institution and may be used to file your annual taxes.

Award Disbursed

The applicant/recipient or his/her authorized representative has picked up the check from our office.


Other Statuses...

Award Canceled

The application was processed, and a check was requested, but the check was not released and was canceled due to any of the following reasons:

  1. The applicant decided to decline the scholarship/loan;
  2. The scholarship/Loan was not claimed within sixty days of printing and the check was canceled and funds were de-obligated.  This action is final.

Pending Compliance

If the applicant is a graduate or post-graduate student applying for a Loan under the Graduate School Student Loan (GSSL) Program, you are required to complete your compliance process for awards you received while pursuing an undergraduate degree.  Please call (670) 664-4752 or email the Compliance and Repayment Officer to begin this process.  You will need to submit the following documents for your clearance:

  1. Sealed the latest official transcript1 showing the degree you conferred, major, and date of graduation;
  2. Graduate Form; and,
  3. Employment Verification from all your employers in the CNMI after graduation.


The applicant was denied and submitted an appeal to the Board of Directors within the approved timeframe.  This means the BOD still has the matter and has not made a decision on the matter.  The next status will be "Decision Affirmed" or "Decision Reversed"

Decision Affirmed

Your appeal was reviewed by the Board of Director Committee on Appeals and agrees with the administrator's decision based on supporting documents for your completed PACKET.

Decision Reversed

Your appeal was reviewed by the Board of Director Committee on Appeals which does not agree with the administrator's decision based on supporting documents for your completed PACKET and has reversed the decision.  Your award will be processed by the CSO.


Should you encounter problems while using the CSO Portal and you receive an error, kindly copy the entire url and the text in error box (if any) and forward it to so our IT can know exactly what is the issue is.


an eScript digital official transcript may be sent directly from your institution to